Services in :
Berbagai Paket Tour Inbound & Outbound (Incentive Tour)
Ticket Pesawat Domestik & Internasional
Ticket Kapal Laut (Pelni) & Kapal Pesiar (Star Cruise)
Voucher Hotel Domestik & Internasional (Hotel Reservation)
Paspor Express (1 atau 3 hari)Paspor Biasa (1 minggu)Permohonan VisaMobil & Bus Pariwisata (Van/Bus Rental)
Also coverages :
Akte Lahir, Akte Kawin, Pisah WNI, KIMS, KITAS & Lainnya
We had experience on handling variety types of groups either Company or Individual, big group or small group, family group and couples,even single-one are all welcome.
Mostly from Local as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali. Overseas as Malaysia (Chinese, Malay, Tamil), Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Europe, America Latin, and many more …
We can provide pork free (halal food) for Muslim, also beef free for Tamil.

+62 853 6250 6700 (Lina)
Click here to Whatsapp
+62 813 7050 5540 (Rani)
Click here to Whatsapp
+62 81 2601 3280 (Ely)
Click here to Whatsapp
We speak Indonesian , Malay , Chinese , Cantonese , Hokkian , English , language
They makes U fly & We makes U happy